Frokostmøte ifm ONS
29 august, 2012
Stavanger 29.08.2012 kl 08.00: Frokostmøte ifm ONS
Gratis frokostmøte med foredragsholdere fra Vicinay Marine Innovación under temaet – New developments in mooring for oil rigs, FPSOs and offshore wind farms – og Construcciones Navales del Norte under temaet – Tendencies in shipbuilding/ships developed for the offshore sector. Eventet sponses av Repsol Exploration Norge, Foro Maritimo Vasco, Innovasjon Norge og First House.
Det ble satt av god tid til networking.
Invitasjon ble sendt til medlemmer av Spansk-Norsk Handelskammer i Madrid og Oslo samt spesielt inviterte innen relevante bransjer i Spania og Norge.
08.00-08.30: Registration, breakfast will be served, networking opportunity
08.30-08.35: Welcome address by Mr Vincent Wego Fleischer, Senior Vice President, Innovation Norway
08.35-08.40: Welcome address by Mr Pedro Cámara, General Manager, Repsol Exploration Norway
08.40-08.55: Innovations for extreme mooring conditions
by Ms Onintze Matias, Vicinay Marine Innovación
08.55-09.10: Trends in shipbuilding and ships developed for the offshore sector
by Mr Roberto Villaverde, Construcciones Navales del Norte
09.10-10.00: Q/A-session regarding both adresses followed by a networking session with light refreshments
The speakers
Ms Onintze Matias is a specialist in developing innovation projects at Vicinay Marine Innovación. The
company is dedicated to increasing the sum of mooring line knowledge and component quality