Official opening of ONS 2012
28 august, 2012
More than 1000 delegates were present at the official opening of ONS 2012 to hear the main speakers, a panel debate and the Folkwang cello ensemble.
Christine Sagen Helgø, Mayor of Stavanger Welcome to the most outward – looking city in Norway:
«This is an international city, with 20% of our inhabitants coming from outside Norway. We have people from 174 nationalities living here.»
M King Harald V of Norway:
“The Norwegian continental shelf is one of the world’s most dynamic offshore oil and gas provinces, and Stavanger is the centre of Norway’s thriving petroleum industry. Professionals in the fields of oil and gas and energy come to Stavanger and find a meeting place where they can exchange ideas and experiences, and this in itself provides motivation and inspiration”, said His Majesty King Harald V as he opened ONS 2012.